Kenilworth Dog Grooming


Our Services



Kenilworth Dog Grooming in Kenilworth, Warwickshire

We are still remaining very cautious to protect everyone and would ask you to reschedule any appointment if you or anyone you are in contact with develops Covid or even a severe cold or flu as dogs can carry viruses on their coat. Of course we would do likewise!

As you can appreciate cleaning and disinfecting the grooming room takes time so I am working to a strict schedule.

Because of the growing number of dog thefts please tell me if anyone other than you are delivering/collecting your dog.

We are trying to keep our rates competitive but we may have to make modest increases to keep up with the cost of living.

We wish all of our customers a happy new year!

Jacquie Lightfoot

01926 854539 / 07802221425

Jacquie Lawson e-cards

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